Faith Baptist Bible College was established on July 1, 1997, under the leadership of the present President, Dr. Sambhu Nath De. It was felt that there was a great need for such a Bible college in central Kerala.
Faith Baptist Bible College intends to produce God-fearing and Christ-honoring Christian leaders. They should be able to carry out the Great Commission of Christ boldly and defend the historic Christian faith effectively.

To fulfill this mission, the college has the following objectives:
- To promote biblical spirituality in the lives of the students so that they will develop Christ-like character.
- To impart sound biblical and theological knowledge in order to carry out the ministry of our Lord effectively.
- To equip students with sufficient biblical conviction so as to defend the historic fundamental faith based on the Scripture.
- To challenge students to develop a passion to save souls and establish local churches.
- To motivate students to develop genuine patriotic spirit, a sincere love for India and its people, and to become law-abiding citizens with exemplary Christian Character. They will continually be encouraged towards harmonious and peaceful living with all communities in our beloved country.